IEEE UNSW SB Competitive Programming Workshop

This workshop is heavily based on Steve Halim's CP book.

Start using hackerrank platform

  • Session 05: DP
  • Session 06: Graphs Part 1
  • Session 07: Graphs Part 2

Problem Sets (UVa)

✔ = done and available in github ✖ = not yet solved

2UVa 12150simple array
2UVa 01610simple sort
2UVa 11308simple set
3UVa 00750 - 8 Queens Chess Problem
3UVa 00386 - Perfect Cubes
3UVa 12488 - Start Grid
3UVa 11195 - Another n-Queen Problem
3UVa 01193
3UVa 12190
4UVa 11450 Wedding Shopping
4UVa 10337 Flight Planner
4UVa 11369 Shopaholic
4UVa 10684 The Jackpot
4UVa 10534 Wavio Sequence
4UVa 10026 Shoemaker’s problem
5UVa 10003 Cutting Sticks
5Injured Queen
5Dice Throwing
5String Partition
6UVa 11504 - DominosStrongly connected components
6UVa 00336 - A Node Too Far
6UVa 11228 - Transportation system
6UVa 12047 - Highest Paid TollSingle source shortest path
7UVa 00820 Internet Bandwidthbasic max flow problem
7UVa 12644 Vocabularyclassic maximal cardinality bipartite matching (MCBM) problem wrapped inside a creative problem statement
8UVa 11879 - Multiple of 17
8UVa 10680 - LCM
8UVa 10650 - Determinate Prime
8UVa 11254 - Consecutive Integers
8UVa 11231 - Black and white painting

Problem Sets (IEEE Xtreme)

Learning Material References: