FSC NSW Website using Hugo + Netlify + Miraheze


Setup a website with some pages that can be editted by everyone (knowledge base). Design approach is to have a static website linking to a wiki page. In general, people will only visit the static website. If more details are seeked, they are directed to the knowledge base or wiki website. See excrept below.

With the goal of aggregating useful information for Filipino tertiary students at NSW, NewFil organised this knowledge base website powered by XWiki (something similar to the backend of Wikipedia). It means (most) pages here are editable by EVERYONE (provided they register). We highly encourage EVERYONE to contribute and share their Aussie and Filo know-hows for the benefit of every Filipino living here in NSW.


Luke Sy
PhD Candidate

My research interests include state estimation, robotics, wearable sensors, machine learning, and biomedical engineering.

