
Luke Sy

PhD Candidate

University of New South Wales


Luke Sy is a PhD. candidate from the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW). His research interests include the state estimation, robotics, wearable sensors, machine learning, and biomedical engineering. His current research involves the development of wearable human motion capture systems.


  • State estimation
  • Wearable robotics
  • Machine learning
  • Biomedical engineering


  • PhD in Biomedical Engineering, 2021

    University of New South Wales

  • MS in Computer Science, 2017

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • BSc in Electronics and Communications Engineering, 2011

    University of the Philippines Diliman



Toastmasters Online

My personal notes on running a successful TM online

UNSW Slide Themes

UNSW theme templates For Hugo Academic slides See github repo. Demos: basic demo embc presentation For Latex Beamer See github repo for the template and on instructions to install.

FSC NSW Website using Hugo + Netlify + Miraheze

FSC NSW website FSC NSW wiki Concept Setup a website with some pages that can be editted by everyone (knowledge base). Design approach is to have a static website linking to a wiki page.

Sparse Motion Capture

My Ph.D. topic. Comprehensive and Accurate Estimation of Lower Body Movement Using Few Wearable Sensors

Exo Arm Workshop

Introduction to wearable robotics workshop by walking through making a robotic arm.

Competitive Programming workshop

Preparation for IEEE Xtreme

Personal website (Gitlab+Hugo+Academic+Netlify)

My personal website from 2019-10-06 was implemented using Hugo, Academic, Gitlab private repository, and Netlify. Cheat sheet. Modified academic-admin (.bib importer) a bit to handle patent type entry.

Self Study: State Estimation for Robotics by Tim Barfoot

Learn how to utilize Lie group representation (specifically, $SE(3)$) for state estimation.

Newfil Xwiki

Short lived Xwiki based official website of Filipino Student Council of NSW.



Led the newly founded organisation which is the NSW wide alliance of university/school-based Filipino student orgs., and ran inaugural flagship events that solidified it's role within the NSW Filipino community. Notable projects include Palarong Pinoy 2019 (TFC video) and Filo Got Talent NSW


Re-established the society from in-active state. Built the exec team and society vision from ground up. Ran 21 social and technical events engaging over 550 cumulated attendees.

President ’19 and VP Externals ’18

Promoted the Filipino culture, and helped cultivate the Filipino identity of its members by running 15 events engaging over 500 cumulated attendees.

City Cubs Leader and Media Volunteer

Actively help in City Cubs (children in school years K-6) and in uploading the sermon to the website. At City Cubs, we aim to encourage the youngest members of our congregation to grow in their understanding of the Bible and their love of Jesus. City Kids is fun and bright. It is a place where children really enjoy coming along to enjoy a wide variety of activities centred upon the Bible.


  • l.sy@unsw.edu.au
  • Samuels Building (F25), Lower Ground, Kensington Campus, Kensington, NSW 2052
  • Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00
  • DM Me